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Live work: Start learning sign language with Cadbury Fingers

Close-up of Cadbury Fingers on a mobile device

We’re excited to announce that we are helping to teach the nation a little bit of sign-language, in our latest campaign with VCCP for Cadbury Fingers.

Created in partnership with the National Deaf Children’s Society, this campaign highlights the difference British Sign Language (BSL) can make in helping deaf BSL users feel included in shared moments. Cadbury Fingers are made for when everybody comes together, yet many in the deaf community report feelings of isolation and exclusion in the kinds of shared moments that Fingers are made for. ‘Sign with Fingers Big and Small’ aims to get Brits started with little lessons to learn some everyday phrases and conversation starters in BSL.

Cadbury Fingers worked with Rebecca A Withey, a deaf writer and consultant, and a co-creation panel made up of people from across the deaf community to inform the entire creative approach. 

The campaign features little lessons such as ‘Fancy a cuppa?’ or ‘Having a good day?’, alongside other regular conversational topics such as “typical British weather isn’t it” and “what a goal!” to help kickstart people’s BSL learning journey. Illustrated animations of these phrases were created and we featured them in digital out-of-home ads, on YouTube and in social activity on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

These illustrated phrases direct people to BSL lessons, taught by the lead actor in the advert, on the ‘Sign with Fingers Hub’ website that we designed and built at Bernadette. Plus the website includes links to additional resources and learning, provides deaf awareness and inclusion advice, and discusses the various other communications methods deaf people use beyond BSL. 

Visit the Cadbury Fingers website here:

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